Weft Systems


Weft hair systems are the most popular and widely used extension system. It is very durable, long-lasting and can be reused. This provides you volume and flexibility based on the application.
In Weft Systems, we supply 2 types:
Machine Wefts

Machine Weft Hair Extensions are sewn together by a machine on a thicker weft meaning each weft has more hair.

Hand Crafted Wefts

Hand tied wefts are made by tying strands of hair around a strong weaving thread; this process is done by hand.

Machine Wefts

Machine Weft Hair Extensions are sewn together by a machine on a thicker weft meaning each weft has more hair.
PRICE RANGE: USD $ 14 - $ 92

Hand Crafted Wefts

Hand tied wefts are made by tying strands of hair around a strong weaving thread; this process is done by hand.
PRICE RANGE: USD $ 22 - $ 95
Plastic Free
Natural Material
Eco Friendly
Non Toxic

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)